Psychology Board of Australia - Overseas applicants
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Overseas applicants

To work as a psychologist in Australia, you need to apply for and be registered with the Psychology Board of Australia.

You may also need to apply for a visa in order to work and live in Australia. We cannot advise you on matters related to visa eligibility - please visit the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs website for further information. 

The visa application process and the Board registration process are separate and success in one does not automatically guarantee success in the other. For this reason we recommend that you do not apply for work or set up a practice until your registration eligibility is assessed and confirmed. Please note Ahpra and the Board cannot assist you in seeking employment or influence employment outcomes.

New Zealand applicants

Psychologists who have current registration and a current practising certificate that allows them to practise as a psychologist in New Zealand can apply for registration as a psychologist in Australia under the Commonwealth Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997.

Applicants for registration under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition must also ensure they are familiar with the Board’s registration standards, code of ethics, guidelines and policies.

Applicants with qualifications and/or practice experience from New Zealand but who do not currently have the right to practise in New Zealand cannot register under Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition must meet the requirements for other overseas applicants.

Recommended pathway to registration in Australia for overseas qualified psychologists

Assess your ability to meet the registration requirements

 Provide all required documents to Ahpra

The Board will assess whether you meet the registration requirements

Receive advice that you need to complete a specified period of supervised practice and the National Psychology Exam

Use relevant form to submit a plan for your specified period of supervised practice to the Board for approval

Receive approval of your supervised practice plan and granted provisional registration

Complete specified period of supervised practice in accordance with your approved plan

Pass the National Psychology Exam

Apply for general registration

Granted general registration

Application fees

Applicants are required to pay an overseas assessment fee and a registration fee. All the Board's fees are published on the schedule of fees.

More information

Page reviewed 21/03/2025