Psychology Board of Australia - Search for a supervisor improvements coming soon
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Search for a supervisor improvements coming soon

18 May 2015

The Psychology Board of Australia and AHPRA are fine tuning improvements to the online search for a supervisor which will be launched soon.

Some of the aims of the project are to implement:

  • a new secure messaging system for contacting supervisors which will remove the need to publish supervisor email addresses
  • better search results display, including combining multiple supervision types for individual supervisors into one record per person and removing the current limit of 200 search results, and
  • a new geographic coding system that will enable users to search surrounding suburbs within a specified distance.

What should supervisors do now?

Supervisors should check their principal place of practice (PPP) is correct via the online login for practitioners. The PPP must be a physical suburb (not a post office box) as this information will be used for the new location search option. The suburb/postcode combination must also be correct.

Supervisors should also go to the online search for a supervisor to check their supervisor email address (if visible) is correct and email us at if it needs to be updated.

Your supervisor email address will be used for the new messaging system and after the improvements are implemented it will no longer be visible on the website. If your supervisor email address is currently not visible it is because you have not given permission for it to be published.

The Board will email more information to supervisors after the improvements have been implemented.

Page reviewed 18/05/2015