Area of practice endorsement did not exist in Australia until the beginning of the national scheme in 2010. Once the Ministerial Council approved area of practice endorsement for psychology, the Board needed to determine whether each individual psychologist would have to apply for endorsement and be assessed against the Area of practice endorsements registration standard, or if there could be transition arrangements.
To provide clients with essential access to treatment, and provide a fair and equitable transition for psychologists, the Board determined that there would be a three-year transition period. The Board adopted the policy that psychologists with WA specialist title, APS College membership and Medicare recognition as a clinical psychologist did not have to apply for endorsement but could transition to the relevant endorsement. Since the criteria in 2010 for WA specialist title, APS College membership and Medicare recognition as a clinical psychologist had many parallels with the Endorsement Standard, this was seen to be of low-risk to public safety. This meant that: